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Wire mesh decking description


For many material handling manufacturers or dealers, the most common product they’ll be offering is the wire deck. A distinctive feature of Huameilong Metal Products is the availability of custom options.
Wire mesh decking description

Wire mesh decking is a low-key efficient component of pallet racking. It is basically a cross-section of wiring that is laid across the shelving to add support to products that aren't palletized. Rather than placing particle board in your pallet racking bays there are a number of advantages of using wire mesh decking.

Channel Options

The support channels are the main source of wire decks' strength, so it makes sense to consider support channels when quoting to our customers. We’ve outlined the channel options available from their potential uses.

Standard U-channel

Standard U-channel decks, also known as step decks, are the most popular form of wire decking in today’s material handling market. U-channel decks provide greater strength than flare channel decks and fit the majority of step beams. 

Inverted U-channel

Inverted U-channel decks are designed to avoid collecting dust and debris. Decks with inverted channels are especially popular in food and beverage applications.

Standard Flared Channel

Flared channel decks are commonly called “universal flare” decks because they’re designed to fit any beam, including “box” beams that have no step. What flare channel decks offer in versatility they often lose in strength, as flare channel decks are usually

Inverted Flared Channel

Like inverted U-Channel mesh decks, inverted flare channel decks are designed to keep debris from piling up in the channels, making them ideal for end users in the food and beverage distribution industry.

Flat Flush

Flat flush decks work well in hand stack operations because they sit neatly between the cross beams. They lack the “waterfall” edge that hangs over the front of the pallet rack beam. Flat flush decks also allow larger identification labels to be placed on the beams since the waterfall won’t get in the way.

Up-Turned Waterfall Channel

The up-turned waterfall deck gets its name from the way wire turns upward at the rear of the deck. This feature conveniently prevents product from sliding too far towards the back of the rack system.

Advantages of Wire Mesh Decking

Safety is Ensured

Gone are the days when safety in the warehouse was ignored.  Mesh decking panel has welded supports that can increase the weight stored on your racking. The edge of the decks are designed to fit comfortably over racking beams. This eliminates the risks involved with ‘board collapse’. Particle boarded shelves are a fire hazard. Moreover, boarded shelves render a sprinkler system useless. Wire mesh decking is the only solution for such warehouses.

Install at Ease

Another superior quality of wire mesh decking against wood decking is its easy installation. You don’t need expensive tools to install wire decking. You can put your decking smoothly into a desired position and then moved later if circumstances change. Moreover, high quality wire decking is usually coated to eliminate possible corrosion. As a result, your products are stored safely.

Improved Inventory Visibility 

It is often tricky for the warehouse worker to view all product if board is used. Inventory stocktakes can be gruelling with boarded shelves. Wire decking provides superior visibility for your workers to keep track of the products stored in the racks.

For many material handling manufacturers or dealers, the most common product they’ll be offering is the wire deck. A distinctive feature is the availability of custom options. Whether in the form of custom colors, dimensions, mesh patterns, or fabrication, the array of options available make them an appealing choice for applications requiring custom decks. 

For quality wire mesh decking, check out our website page or call us today at +86-15040608276.